Introducing: An addition to the Upper Wisconsin River Legacy Forest called the Upper Wisconsin River Bird Habitat- On the Headwaters Landscape of the Wisconsin River USFS Forest Legacy awarded $145,000 to this project on October 29 2024
The UWRBH project is complementary to the Headwaters Cedar Community Forest and will provide permanent public access on 191 acres offering easier access to the habitat of two State Natural Areas (SNA). Both projects are in the Town of Land O Lakes, about 12 miles apart, both near the UP border on very different habitats and different watersheds.
Strategic goal: Connect the Upper Wisconsin River Legacy Forest to state and county forest.
Importance: The UWRBH lies within a designated Important Bird Area termed the Upper Wisconsin Wetland Pines and within the Conservation Opportunity Area named Wisconsin River Headwaters. The Spruce Grouse Swamp SNA is only ¼ mile south and the Haymeadow Creek SNA is only ¾ mile east.
Adult spruce grouse on the Upper WI River Legacy Forest
Glacially formed kettle bog pond habitat
Access & Landscape Connectivity: Borders of this project include ¼ mile with the Upper Wisconsin River Legacy Forest, ¾ mile with Vilas County Forest and a full mile with State Forest Lands. UWRBH fronts on US Highway 45 and County Road E, with parking on the adjoining Upper Wisconsin River Legacy Forest.
Habitat: Pine barrens, a globally significant habitat type with threatened and endangered species. Important species present or potential to be present include:
Spruce Grouse ( commonly seen)
Northern Goshawk (identified in WWAP and birding sources)
Kirtland’s Warbler (WWAP and noted from birder sources)
Golden-winged Warbler (WWAP and noted by local birding enthusiasts)
Rusty Patch Bumble Bee (in NHI high potential area)
Karner Blue Butterfly (in NHI high potential area)
The forest character is young forest cover, with uplands of red, jack, and white pine, white spruce, balsam fir, and aspen interspersed with black spruce, tamarack and open meadow wetlands.
We are currently pursuing grants to permanently protect this parcel. With your help, we can continue to conserve this and other special Northwoods habitats. We have submitted an Forest Legacy application to add this to the adjoining Legacy Forest. Any government grant requires a match, and need your help!
Project highlights: Offer easier public access to state and county lands south of Cnty Rd E, and connect them to legacy forest. Protect wetlands in the WI River watershed and habitat for the threatened species present. Invite bird enthusiasts into the habitat of 2 State Natural Areas.